I Love Bookkeeping

How to Handle Embarrassing Client Interactions



Have you ever experienced an awkward or embarrassing interaction with a client? How did you handle it, and what did you do to salvage the situation? Co-hosts Hannah Robinson and Melissa Honan share their most embarrassing client situations and reveal how they remained super professional even though deep down they were ready to crawl into a hole. Hannah and Melissa agree that most people have experienced at least one awkward client interaction in their careers. Hannah describes how a verbally abusive co-worker embarrassed her in front of a full salon after making a minor hairdressing error. Hannah and Melissa believe that working for a mean boss is more than enough reason to get another job. Melissa talks about why it’s always a good idea to keep your cool after something embarrassing happens during client meetings. Melissa shares her most embarrassing client interaction. It’s both embarrassing and funny, yet she remained calm and professional, even though deep down she was mortified. Melissa explains why you