I Love Bookkeeping

How to Keep Your Originality Within Your Niche



How important is originality in your bookkeeping business? Are you constantly looking for unique ways to innovate and develop new ideas within your niche? Co-hosts Hannah Robinson and Melissa Honan discuss how bookkeepers can build authenticity and originality in their niche and develop new, creative ways to serve their clients and create content.  Hannah explains how the foundations of originality in business are built on consistently trying new things, and on being okay with things not working out sometimes. Melissa talks about authenticity within your niche and how creating authentic content drives audience engagement. Hannah asks Melissa how she effortlessly manages to stay original in her business. Her answer is she focuses on being as authentic as possible. Melissa describes the benefits of coming up with original ways to serve clients as a small business owner. She also shares how you can build originality & uniqueness in your branded elements. Hannah and Melissa agree that taking risks when creat