I Love Bookkeeping

Tips For Getting the Most Out of Trade Shows



Would you like to get the most out of your next trade show and walk away full of leads, prospects, and new connections? Co-hosts Hannah Robinson and Melissa Honan discuss how bookkeepers can get the most out of trade shows, maximize their presence at exhibitions, and ensure they achieve a positive ROI. Hannah and Melissa talk about how intimidating it can be to run an exhibit at a trade show, especially if you’re an introvert. Melissa explains the difference between selling a product and selling services at a trade show. Hannah describes easy ways to gain the most from a trade show even if you’re operating on a budget. Hannah and Melissa agree that you don’t have to exhibit at hundreds of trade shows to drive leads to your business - sometimes simply going to the right ones is more than enough. Melissa reveals simple strategies you can use to minimize costs and still stand out at a trade show. Hannah and Melissa go through display tips and ideas to help your exhibit stand out at a trade show. They also descr