Community Board Podcast

Ep.48 What #Sex Got To Do With It?



The research laboratory of Virginia M. Miller, Ph.D., focuses on conditions specific to women: ovarian function, preeclampsia of pregnancy and menopause. These conditions are associated with dramatic changes in one of the sex steroids, estrogen, and can accelerate development of chronic conditions including cardiovascular disease and aging processes. Dr. Miller's work evaluates how estrogen affects progression of atherosclerosis, and changes in brain structure and cognition at menopause. For these studies, she works collaboratively with other researchers associated with the Rochester Epidemiology Project, the Alzheimer's Disease Research Center, the Center for Translational Science Activities and the Women's Health Research Center. Her group utilizes state-of-the-art imaging modalities and is developing a technique to detect early stages of calcifying processes. Focus areas How do sex hormones affect progression of cardiovascular disease in menopausal women? Dr. Miller is examining how the sex steroid hor