Community Board Podcast

Ep. 38 Community #Interfaith Dialogue On #Islam



CIDI'S mission is to foster interfaith dialogue and promote opportunities for multi-religious and spiritual education for the purpose of peace. Our community of Rochester, MN needs reliable and easily accessible information on Islam. In light of the rising tide of Islamophobia as well as militant extremists, it is crucial to provide educational opportunities on what Islam truly teaches. But the flow of information must go both ways. We all should strive to understand "the other" more clearly. CIDI is an interfaith dialogue organization proactively providing fresh ways of crossing the bridges that already exist. The justice, peace, and acceptance of Islam can and does benefit our society. With the help of CIDI, the people of Rochester, MN stand together to say extremists do NOT represent any faith! CIDI is a n0n-profit organization serving the interfaith needs of Rochester, MN and beyond. Contact