Storytelling With Seth

Avengers: Endgame Trailer Drops, Letterers are the Unsung Heroes of Education, and The Messenger Weekly Wrap: 3/14/19 — Episode 50



Avengers: Endgame trailer messed up my whole schedule.  Have you seen it yet? Did you ever think Letterers were a driving force in ESL Education? GDC is almost here Almost out of time to buy your early pass.  After March 15th the price goes up. If you are attending GDC there are a few fun things to keep in mind Whether it's your first time at GDC or just the first time talking about your new game, you want to attend this crash course on how to get the most out of your experience by learning the ins and outs of the show: from choosing sessions, to networking, to simply how to get around. GDC is a big event with lots to do, and we're here to help you prioritize what you really want to get out of the show, while getting all the basics down in the process. Plus there's a ne