Storytelling With Seth

The Jack Katz Podcast Conversation Part 2: The Replication of our Downfall and Our Steps into Wonder



To hear Part 1 Click Here: When we left off with Jack, a time traveler had arrived from the future, only to find he was not far enough in the past. The computers had taken over.  Things sounded grim.  Replication  A recurring theme in The First Kingdom is the rise and fall of civilizations and the events that eventually bring about their destruction. A desire for immortality is among the motivations that are often driving the creators and innovators.  One solution created is a memory serum that retains the entire scope of a culture's knowledge. The serum can be used to share this knowledge with the replicants called Humanoids. The Humanoids were made by a man who had a near-death experience as a child and wanted to stave off death for everyone. At one point, he takes the memory serum to prevent his own inevitable death.  The Fiction We Know is