The Mentee Podcast

S5E31: How to Convert Leads and Find Deals Using Automation



If there’s one thing business owners can agree on, it’s that we could all use a little more time in our days. You’re probably looking for ways to automate workflow and save time and money. Here at The Mentee Podcast, we know business owners wear many hats. Automation can help your business and give you back some precious minutes (or hours!) each day. In this episode, John Klingelhoets and I talk about robotic marketing and how it could help you obtain, farm, and convert leads. Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation: Gather reliable data and leads. Follow your investment criteria carefully. Figure out how to try out a business idea. Make small pivots. Create and evolve your lists. Episode Highlights: [11:32] How to Find More Deals Build your own lists to find more deals. You can access public datasets, comb through them, and narrow them down according to your niche. [14:13] Property Management Get information from the current owner. Factor in the property management. Then try looking at the a