Crushing Classical

Asher Laub: Electric Violinist and Producer



Asher began classical violin training at the tender age of 2 and had already performed with the Buffalo philharmonic by age 13.    Asher’s expertise in improvisation across multiple genres has led him to a career as a soloist in demand, performing at venues such as Madison Square Garden, Hammerstein Hall, Lincoln Center, the Carnegie Hall and across four continents.  Asher has also been featured on PBS, and has made headlines on CNN, WABC, NBC, and the New York Post among many other major news sources.  He has been booked to perform at special events for Google, Nickelodeon, TNT, National Geographic, Citigroup and a list of notables including George W. Bush, Ivana Trump and many others.   In 2014 Asher lived a musician’s nightmare when he lost the strength to play his violin for a number of years. Refusing to accept conventional advice he found a way to heal, building his strength to an unprecedented level.  He used this experience as fuel to reinvent his live concerts as a high-energy contemporary violinist.