Late Night Health

Stillness and Meditation (Part 2) - Christine Powers 1/20/17



We are all looking for a bit more stillness in our lives, or so we have been told we should be. But what does that mean? For most of us, we are going through our days so quickly, that “stillness” may mean falling asleep the moment we hit the sofa at night, or the smooth pull of a glass of wine at the end of a long day of work — with dinner, laundry, and kids still on the docket.For me, stillness is another word for a deep calm that emanates from within my body. Even if a stressful situation is unfolding around me at home, at work, or even on the news. Stillness is also a word that I like to use instead of meditation sometimes because the concept of “meditating” can feel overwhelming and complicated to those who have not done it.Here are tips on tapping into a calm and “centered” feeling when you are stressed or overwhelmed:Ask yourself, “Am I breathing?” and then focus on your breath…. simply going in and out. In and out. Do not alter it, just watch it. Feel it. This will naturally bring you to the present mo