Late Night Health

Business & Personal Relationships (Part 1) - Alan & Shelley Zovar 2/17/17



There are many problems inherent in combining a business and personal relationship. The problematic areas usually revolve around money, respective effort, communication, ability and division of labor. There are other possible problems, but these are a few of the key categories.In a combination business and personal relationship, it is helpful to reinforce each other in positive ways, such as verbal acknowledgement of each other’s effort, i.e. compliments. It’s important to reinforce each other on a regular basis. You cannot assume that your partner knows that they are appreciated in their efforts and hard work. It’s important that the compliments be voiced.We discuss who is responsible for specific activities relating to the business, and we apportion activities according to ability and time availability. In our relationship, one of us has a larger part in running the business with all that that entails. We often strategize together on how we want to move forward on various pieces of business.There are many o