Late Night Health

4 Fatal Health Mistakes Women 40+ Make (Part 2) - Christine Horner 3/17/17



What are the mistakes women over the age of 40 make when it comes to their health? Our guest tonight on Late Night Health, Dr. Christine Horner, is here to talk about these common mistakes and what women can do to avoid them so they feel radiant, healthy and beautiful beyond age 40.Statistics show that women over the age of 40 are getting married for the first or second time, having children and are at the pinnacle of their careers. Clearly, women over 40 are not “over the hill,” however their busy lives can lead them to make mistakes that can negatively affect their health and longevity.Dr. Christine Horner is author of the book, “Radiant Health, Ageless Beauty,” and says there isn’t just one cause of aging, but rather many factors that simultaneously contribute to the overall aging process. But there is good news! She says there are many ways to reverse the aging process especially when it comes to health issues like heart health, menopause, weight gain and depression.Also, Dr. Christine Horner is no stran