Late Night Health

Health Care Under President Trump (Part 2) - Karen Howard 2/17/17



What will happen with the health care system under the new Trump Administration? Karen Howard, executive director and CEO of the Organic & Natural Health Association is our guest tonight on Late Night Health to talk about these important issues.Karen will talk to us about the current health care system and where she feels the Trump administration should focus their attention and how to regulate a path for a healthier America. Some of the questions we will be exploring:Why is our country that focuses so much on diagnostics for disease prevention fail miserably in financing benefits that alleviate the onset of chronic disease by promoting exercise, healthy diets and mental health? Obamacare may be here for now but is it about to explode? Can government really regulate us into a healthy society? Our guest, Karen Howard, says no and she says her organization, the Organic & Natural Health Association, is ready and positioned to oppose the efforts of the government when they fail the test.Join Late Nigh