Late Night Health

Alleviate Airline Flight Frustrations (Part 1) - Rod Rakic 3/10/17



The recent incident with United Airlines dragging their customer off a plane against his will has America in utter shock. When it comes to air travel is customer service even a term for travelers anymore or is this treatment just par for the course of increased air travel?Our guest tonight on Late Night Health tonight is Rod Rakic, a FAA commercial rated pilot, volunteer Civil Air Patrol officer, and co-founder of FlyOtto says the future of air travel is going to get better and passengers do have rights that they may not be aware of that they can use to their benefit. He says a huge factor to why air travel can be so stressful is because most travelers are just told what to do and where to go without much explanation. He says this can cause a lot of unnecessary aggravation that could be easily resolved if passengers had the tools and knowledge to navigate their trips more effectively.Rod Rakic says decoding arduous air travel mysteries can alleviate unnecessary flight frustrations this spring and summer. H