Late Night Health

Weightloss and Health in America (Part 2) - Maria Dorfner 3/24/17



Maria Dorfner, an award-winning TV producer and founder of NewsMD Communications and Healthy Within Network joins Late Night Health to discuss the best ways to stay fit in a world where obesity continues to be on the rise. Maria is a lifelong health advocate and has professionally been specializing in health journalism for over three decades. We discuss nutrition and how important it is in daily life and to maintaining weight or losing it. We also discuss exercise, how much of it you need and why. We discuss why it's important to be an active participant in your own healthcare. Maria states, "The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics says 90% of Americans SAY diet and exercise is important, but nearly HALF don't know or understand HOW to achieve a balanced diet. Bob Harper, fitness trainer for "The Biggest Loser" was recently on the Today Show on NBC and he says losing weight is 80% NUTRITION and only 20% fitness. That's huge. The TYPE of foods we eat is important, but the AMOUNT is even more critical. Calor