Late Night Health

America's Most Unusual Nutrition Trends (Part 1) - Dave Foreman 1/27/17



What are the hottest diet and nutrition predictions for 2017? Health nuts rejoice David Foreman-The Herbal Pharmacist, talks about the most unusual nutrition trends that are set to dominate 2017. Less than 3 percent of Americans manage to incorporate one or two of the basics of a healthy lifestyle — more fruits and vegetables or going on walks — into their routines. But a new year brings new trends, especially when it comes to nutrition, and it’s never to late to try one. The Herbal Pharmacist says people love diet trends, and part of the American culture is being obsessed with something new, even if it’s a fad. If it’s a healthy trend, he says we should just embrace it because if gets someone motivated or excited to improve their overall health it is worth it. Keep in mind that diets in general just don’t work. People need to use the latest scientific findings coupled with common sense to drop unhealthy pounds. Eating healthy, clean and exercising everyday is what makes us all a lean mean fighting machine.