Late Night Health

Getting the Best Healthcare (Part 1) - Geoff DePaula 3/24/17



The US healthcare system is in sad shape…and no, Obamacare did not cause it. Nor will Trumpcare fix it. Both plans are flawed and unsustainable. The United States spends over $3 trillion per year on healthcare…almost $1 out of every $5 spent in the US is on healthcare. However we don’t have much to show for it. How bad is the US healthcare system? Here is a quick quiz for you to see if you can tell…Who has better healthcare outcomes the USA or the war-torn country of Serbia? FACT: According to the World Health Organization the United States has worse health outcomes (status) then war-torn Serbia! There are many pieces of the healthcare system that are broken including:The fee for service model of care. There is no relationship between cost of healthcare services and better health outcomes. The hospital “charge master” rates for surgeries and procedures- often times can be 300 to 400% more than what Medicare charges.Medical schools are not teaching doctors how to practice lifestyle medicine to keep pati