Late Night Health

Homeopathic Remedies - Theresa Dale, Phd 1/20/17



Homeopathic remedies are centuries old effective tools to keep the body healthy and to fight disease. They are the first line of defense in keeping people healthy without harmful side effects.The history of modern homeopathic medicine begins with a German physician, Samuel Hahnemann. But the homeopathic concept is thousands of years old, based on the law of similars. Hippocrates described this principle. Many cultures including Native Americans, Chinese, Greeks, Mayans and Asians used this law to provide and maintain health. Hahnemann was the first to organize the law of similars into a methodical medical science.Governments around the world including the United States recognize modern homeopathy as a medical science. Other countries that recognize homeopathy include India, South Africa, Great Britain, Canada, Italy, Germany and many others. Like the pharmaceutical industry, there is an encyclopedia of homeopathic medicines indicating how to make them and what they treat. Backed by continuing scientific resea