Late Night Health

How To Fight Viruses (Part 2) - Donna Parker 11/25/16



It’s 10am and someone at school is celebrating a birthday. Most likely the kids are being served cupcakes or sweet snacks. They get all sugared up and then crash. And that crash can be really bad. Well, I’m “that” mom that doesn’t like this well honored practice. If there is a function at school, I will bring more healthy alternatives. Most of the time what I bring is a big hit and, rarely, it’s a big flop. More than once my son has been known to say, “Mom, can’t you just cook normal?” In reality, give kids healthy options and they will joyfully gobble them up.As I kid, I did cook normally, using lots of sugar and refined flours. Looking back, this was my way of keeping a steady stream of carbs and sugar in my life. I was, and am, a sugar sensitive person. That means I can’t eat just one cookie, my brain goes a little wacky and insists that I eat 8 more to satisfy my craving. Believe it or not, this is a very common issue. If you can’t eat just 1 sugary or carb filled snack without craving more, then you may