I Love Bookkeeping

How to Follow Through with Your Goals



Do you struggle to follow through with your goals? Co-hosts Hannah Robinson and Melissa Honan discuss goal setting and the benefits of setting realistic, achievable goals. They also share practical strategies you can use to maximize your ability to follow through on your goals. Hannah and Melissa discuss the benefits of setting big goals and having smaller goals that keep you motivated along the way. Hannah shares her struggles with following through on the goals she set for herself. Melissa shares her goal-setting process - and a framework that makes it easy to follow through. Hannah shares a story of how she used goal setting to prepare for a marathon and remain disciplined throughout. Hannah and Melissa agree that celebrating small wins along the way is the easiest way to stay motivated and follow through on your goals. Melissa explains that motivation is good for goal setting - but you need consistency to actually follow through. Melissa breaks down an intriguing goal-setting strategy that will keep you