Be Amplified

Kelly Lundberg {on knowing how to receive support}



Getting support is absolutely critical to the success of an ambitious woman. But it can also feel so hard to ask for help, especially in a culture where we are expected to do it all. In this episode, Thais + Bri dissect what it looks like to receive support in a way that feels really good. They are joined by stylist expert Kelly as she shares her insights on integrity, consistency and overcoming the beliefs around getting support. About The Guest Kelly Lundberg is a renowned entrepreneur, keynote speaker and author, who has built her cutting-edge empire from the fabulous world of fashion styling. Comfortable in the currency of catwalk and commerce alike, Edinburgh-born Kelly is a pioneering entrepreneur and style guru.  In 2005, she launched, a bespoke styling agency, which taps into the regional insight that women (and men) like to have help with choosing clothes, shoes and accessories.  Starting off with at-home wardrobe consultations and shopping sessions, Kelly’s business has grown into