Be Amplified

Sarah Moshman {on quantum leaps + epic journeys}



This week's podcast episode is a must listen! Join Thais + Bri as they dive into what it looks like to truly quantum leap in your life and go on epic soul journeys. They share awkward moments, difficulties, and how to overcome difficulties in the name of creativity. They are also joined by Sarah Moshman as she shares her take on the creative process, doing what feels uncomfortable, and being surprised by life. ABOUT THE GUEST Sarah Moshman is an Emmy Award winning documentary filmmaker dedicated to empowering women and girls through media. Her latest documentary is called "Losing Sight of Shore" which follows the extraordinary journey of four women who set out to row across the Pacific Ocean.  Top Three Takeaways Getting comfortable with being uncomfortable is essential for the creative process! Don't wait for permission to get started because it may never come.  You never know where the next million dollar idea will come from. Be open to all possibilities and don't turn away from new ideas simply because i