Be Amplified

Angela Mader {on overcoming struggles}



The struggle is real. We hear this a lot and we feel it a lot. It's not easy being human, especially the more we say yes to our purpose and endeavor down a road that not many have been on. So what can we do to struggle less? And is it about struggle that knocks us down so often? That's what we explore in this episode of Be Amplified. Plus, check out an amazing interview with Angela where she shares her vulnerable truths about having it all, creating a business and embracing grace in the midst of struggle. ABOUT THE GUEST Based out of Orange County, California, fitlosophy was founded in 2008 by Angela Mader. The mission of fitlosophy is to inspire people to live a healthy, active lifestyle by motivating and supporting them with innovative products, to redefine how people integrate fitness into their lifestyle, and to change the shape of our world - literally.  As fitlosophy's founder, Angela created the company's flagship product, fitbook™, and subsequent line of healthy lifestyle products and programs to pro