The Mentee Podcast

S5E36: Break Your Limits: Creating and Working Towards Your Future Self



We all have a future self that we are working towards. Whether it’s becoming more successful or happier, we all have an ideal vision of who we want to be. But many never take the steps necessary to make this future self a reality. We get bogged down in daily struggles and forget to focus on what we want for ourselves in the long run. In this relaunched episode, organizational psychologist and author Benjamin Hardy joined me to talk about how you can create the life you want by knowing your future self. Once you know your future self, you can start taking small steps each day toward making those dreams come true! You’ll be surprised at how quickly things will fall into place once you get started. Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation: Know your future self Be courageous Develop emotional flexibility Let your purpose shape your personality Invest in your future self Episode Highlights: [03:27] Know Your Future Self Who’s the person you want to be? Once you know your future self, you can begin