Champions Of Mind

Champions Of Mind - 155 - #MondayMotivation - Be Willing To Hold Yourself Accountable



Welcome to Champions Of Mind - the podcast bought to you from the UK's most in-demand coaches, public speakers, performance experts, mindset specialists and business growth mentors.  #MondayMotivation; every single week we bring you 2-5 minutes of pure motivational, action-taking fire power to help you kick start the week strong. This week, answer this… How hard are you REALLY trying? Honestly? Ask yourself that question. We're only a few weeks into the new year; are you still sticking with goals you set, the tasks you promised yourself to undertake, the commitments toward growth you made, the focus you said you could maintain, the energy you know that success takes? How closely do your monitor your actions and the results of those actions? Are you being honest with your own accountability? In this #MondayMotivation podcast episode Llewy D shares how focused he is on a daily basis to holding himself to account for each and every action he takes. From the second he wakes up until the second he goes to sleep.