Champions Of Mind

Champions Of Mind - 122 - The Power of Pain



Welcome to the Champions Of Mind podcast - game changing content from the UK’s leading success, mindset and motivational coaches Llewellyn and Rhys Davies alongside Brand Director James Burtt. In this episode Rhys goes IN and discusses the importance of genuinely understanding the elements of pain, pleasure and comfort as they relate to the pursuit of achievement and success. As someone who has gone from pro sport to crime to military to pro sports again to business it is clear that Rhys has a deep understanding of the role that pain plays in creating the life you want. He shares: * The danger of running away from pain * The power of using pain to grow * Pain is a catalyst to success * How pleasure leads to comfort based on your growth * How easily comfort can lead to regression of your results * Comfort can easily turn back to pain without consistent action * 99% of people spend their time running away form pain rather than running towards it * Comfort can make you think life owes you something, and it doesn