Champions Of Mind

Champions Of Mind 003 - How To Get Started WITHOUT A Goal



Champions Of Mind 003 - How To Get Started WITHOUT A Goal Welcome to Champions Of Mind - the weekly podcast bought to you from the UK's most in-demand coaches Rhys and Llewellyn Davies alongside host James Burtt. Each week the boys bring you the strategies, mindset and actionable tips that have helped them become some of the most successful coaches, mentors, businessmen, public figures and athletes in the country. In Episode 003 we discuss the importance of getting going WITHOUT the need for a huge why or a massive goal. Rhys and Llewellyn share how they have been able to make themselves and their clients focus on instant action - even tiny steps - and use these ‘quick wins’ to install a different mindset. With a new mindset comes new actions, new actions create new behaviours and new behaviours create new outcomes and results. Rhys shares how his almost instant decision making landed him a job in the military where he climbed the ranks at rapid pace and Llewy shares how his focus on non-stop massive action s