Shiny Healthy You

STNH 26: Jess Jones – The Burnout Club



Meet Jess Jones – she runs a club that in her own words, you never wanted to be in. But sadly it’s a club to which many of us could subscribe, or have been a good candidate for in the past. It’s a club that I think is on the way to have many more members too, if we don’t start taking steps to avoid it. You see, it’s called the Burnout Club, and it’s a place for women to learn a new way to live, work and most importantly, practice self care. And by self-care, I do NOT mean a pedicure or massage (although they’re great). Think of it as a complete mindset shift and habit change for many women. Basically this is rehab for Type A’s. And it’s SOOOOO needed. In this interview, we chat about: Jess’ own burnout story, and how being super-driven placed a massive strain on her career, health and relationships. Why burnout is often driven by unresolved emotional stuff… and what to look out for. The shame associated with burning out, and Jess’ learnings from that. How Jess prioritised self-care, and what that looked like