Shiny Healthy You

SHY 66: Moira Bradfield – How to have a healthy vagina



All too often, we’re soooo busy dealing with things like poor energy levels, crappy immune systems, dodgy thyroids and worn out adrenals, that we neglect a very important part of our health… and that’s our sexual health, and the wellness of our lady parts “down there.” But this week we’re going to change all that. Welcome to the first in a 3 part holistic sexual health series. Yep, for the next 3 episodes, we will be tackling the taboo topics that you’ve been dying to know about, but were too embarrassed to ask. So just a heads up: We’ll be talking about some rather adult themes, so maybe don’t play these episodes out loud with little kids in the car ? Meet Moira Bradfield. She’s a naturopath specialising in vaginas. Yep, for real. She actually working towards her PhD on the topic of the vaginal microbiome (that’s the balance of good and bad bacteria). Yep – one day soon she’ll actually be a “doctor of the vag.” Moira is the perfect person to cover this topic with, as she has no problem speaking frankly and o