Shiny Healthy You

SHY 63: Dr Terry Wahls – The Wahls Protocol for Autoimmune Diseases



Sometimes I still pinch myself that I get to chat with the people that I really look up to in the industry, and better still, that I get to call it work. This interview has to be one of my all time favourites, so I hope you enjoy it too. Meet Dr Terry Wahls. In 2000 she was diagnosed with MS, after a period in her life when she was super busy. By 2007 her condition had deteriorated to the point where she was unable to sit up on her own, she needed a wheelchair to move around, and she was suffering from intense brain fog. The prognosis was bleak and even the best that conventional medicine had to offer did not give her the relief she needed. So she started researching, looking for answers outside the box. Even though she was a trained medical practitioner, she was desperate and willing to try just about anything. After embarking upon a paleo diet that was specifically modified to maximise the nutrients needed to fight autoimmune disease, a miracle happened. Her illness started to reverse. Dr Wahls was told tha