Shiny Healthy You

SHY 48: Chara Caruthers – Yoga For Everybody



If you’re a fan of this podcast, or if you’ve done my Shiny Healthy You 12 week program, then you will probably already know and love yoga teacher and yoga therapist Chara Caruthers. She appeared on Episode 21, where we talked about all things Ayurveda. But in this episode I’ve got her back in to chat about one of my favourite pastimes – and that’s yoga! Chara’s students are drawn to her wise, gentle, flowing and pragmatic style, which is always sprinkled with a good dose of humour, and if you haven’t “met” her yet – I just know you’re gonna love her! Chara’s also a friend of mine, so in this interview we REALLY get down to the nitty gritty, with no topic that’s off limits! Prepare for some valuable insights and lots of laughter in the process. Yoga is so much more than a series of poses. If you’re going to a typical yoga class, that’s just one aspect of yoga. Chara takes us through the deeper meaning of yoga as a system for living our best possible lives. By tuning into our own inner voice, and when we begin