Shiny Healthy You

SHY 37: Lauren Lacey – Bringing healthcare to refugees



This week I’m bringing you a special episode with Lauren Lacey from Involvement Volunteers International. Lauren is co-ordinating a team of over 30 health professionals (myself included!) who will travel to Greece in February bring healthcare to refugees. How often do you turn on the news, see the terrible atrocities happening in the world, and feel helpless? Do you share posts and videos on social media, and wish you could do something more REAL, more powerful, but you don’t know where to start? I felt that way too. So when I was offered to be a part of the solution, in a small but significant way, I jumped at the chance. Together with a team of doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, naturopaths and nutritionists, I will be making my way to Greece in just over a week’s time! The refugee camps are going to be confronting and overcrowded. We will be dealing with malnutrition, trauma, and a vast array of illness and disease. So what can a naturopath do in a situation like this? Plenty! We will be helping to suppor