Shiny Healthy You

SHY 29: Carolyn Ledowsky – MTHFR and Methylation



MTHFR is one of the most confusing topics in natural healthcare today. But with over 60% of the population potentially affected, it’s important to understand how it impacts us. So I’m bringing out the big guns today… Enter the lovely Carolyn Ledowsky from MTHFR Support Australia. Carolyn is a naturopath, herbalist and nutritionist who has a Bachelor of Herbal Medicine, Bachelor of Naturopathy, Advanced Diploma of Naturopathy and Diploma of Nutrition. She has also studied courses in genetics at Duke University and The University of Maryland. She now sees chronically ill patients who have searched, sometimes for decades, to find the reason behind their ill health. Most of her patients have MTHFR mutations and/or associated methylation disturbances. Find out what MTHFR is, and why it’s associated with fertility issues, multiple miscarriages, birth defects, increased cardiovascular risk, detoxification issues, fatigue, anxiety and depression. Learn how this gene mutation can go on to affect your thyroid, adrenals