Shiny Healthy You

SHY 16: Alice Nicholls (The Whole Daily) – On stress, addiction, and our mind-body connection



This week I chat with one of the trailblazers in the health blogging world – Alice Nicholls from The Whole Daily. Although she’s a beacon of light in the wellness industry, she wasn’t always this healthy and happy. She’s battled some pretty dark demons, but has come out the other side stronger, focused and determined to help others live their best possible lives. Find out Alice’s views on busy lifestyles and the effect they have on our health. Learn tips and tricks for self-care and mindfulness, even when you think you don’t have time. We then jump further down the rabbit hole and deep dive into the connection between stress, anger and disease. We talk about chronic illness, pain, and the long road back to wellness through changing your mindset. We also delve into the challenges and frustrations of dealing with family members who are ill, and what to do when they won’t follow what you think is best for them (ah… don’t we all have one of these people in our lives???). If you’re struggling with stress, anxiety,