Shiny Healthy You

SHY 13: Rebecca Weller – A Happier Hour



Meet Rebecca (Bex) Weller, health coach, author, and creator of Sexy Sobriety, a program that helps women to reduce their alcohol intake. Bex is a beacon of health and happiness these days, but it wasn’t always this way. From the days of her corporate “work hard, play harder” lifestyle, to turning vegan and giving up the booze, it’s been a wild and crazy ride… so much so that she’s even written a book! In this podcast, you’ll find out how Bex went from calorie counting, frozen dinners and “plastic foods” to eating a nourishing wholefood vegan diet. Discover the unexpected benefits she gained from eating gluten and dairy free (like saying bye bye to eczema and excess weight!). Listen as she shares her struggle with her final health frontier… alcohol… and be inspired by her successful mission to achieve 100 days of sobriety (and learn what she would do differently next time!). Bex is the master of re-framing – in this interview she talks about cooking as a form of self-care, and how to distract yourself so that