California Real Estate Radio

Ariel Ziegler Interview Life Coach Santa Clarita and Los Angeles Business and Life Coaching



Connect with Ariel Zeigler here!Ariel Zeigler Life Coach Santa Clarita CA: (05:44)So my journey is reflective of a lot of the clients that I work with and the way that I was able to work through certain things, myself, obviously, as well as the academia and all that, um, has created the processes in which I help others. I know what it's like to be debilitated on in anxiety. I was medicated for eight years. I know what it's like to be molested. I know what it's like to have eating disorders. I know what it's like to have death in the family. I know all these different experiences and each one has lent to me finding a way to process and not allow it to make me collapse. Originally I would cope. I would compartmentalize cuz I thought that was a way to survive. It is not. It is the coping and the, and the, um, suppression and boxing in of those emotions that cause the systemic disease that is created over the course of our lives, that creates things like self hate, um, dissatisfaction, um, bor