Stay Calm Don't Panic

Episode 73: Dating Violence & Instagram Reels



Dating violence in teens is a topic we can’t ignore. Especially when 1 in 12 teens experiences physical violence and 1 in 12 teens experiences sexual violence. We talk about who’s most at risk and how to help teenagers in abusive relationships. Then, don’t miss Karlie’s crash course on reels and tips for how to raise critical thinkers. . . In this episode, we mentioned the following resources: - CDC: Preventing Teen Dating Violence - The Hotline: Talking to Your Teen - Dating Violence Resources: National Domestic Violence Hotline | Love Is Respect - Lubbock Christian University: Youth Ministry Degree - LCU Contact: David Fraze  . . Visit our website: Subscribe to get the episodes in your inbox: Follow Us: Instagram | Facebook | Twitter . . Podcast Music by: Luke Cabrera & Tobin Hodges Hosted by: Chris Robey & Karlie Duke Produced by: Karlie Duke & Kelly Fann --- Support this podcast: