Real Estate Sales Show with Danny Morel

Earning In One Month What You Used To Earn In One Year w/Rosanna Nava



It’s very easy to cut out pictures and put them on a vision board, but it’s another thing to accomplish your goals. What are the principles of developing wealth through real estate? How does ego play tricks on us and keep us stuck in mediocrity? On this inspirational episode, we talk to a woman who turned her business and life around in one year. Takeaways You never want to owe more than 50% of the value of what you own. You have to constantly be looking for a way to improve your position, and searching for opportunities to lower your liability. You have the power to change your story. At the start of the show, we talked about the powerful move Rosanna made by going all in on her business, and how that made it possible for her to buy her first property. Next, we talked about why you should never owe more than 50% on a property, and why it’s so important to change your story. Towards the end, we talked about the power of clarity. We also discussed; The principles of developing wealth through real es