Personal And Leadership Growth

Leadership and boundaries



We have been taught to be nice, that makes it hard to set boundaries. It is important to TEACH PEOPLE HOW TO TREAT YOU JUST SAY NO. Unless you communicate your boundaries. No one else is going to do it for me WE ARE RESPONSIBLE TO OTHERS AND FOR OURSELVES Boundaries are invisible property lines. Anger is a sign of boundaries being overstepped. Know yourself. Communicate your boundaries. Set boundaries that build. To GROW yourself and your leadership join Abiola Saba mentorship program. The mentorship program for dreamers, achievers, dream believers, purpose driven individuals and business owners. To learn more, send an email to or call (609) 200-1355 New episode is up! Want me to notify you whenever I post new episodes? Just email "podcast" to I'll also email you two of our most popular episodes. Enjoy this one on Leadership and boundaries!