
44. How To Look Athletic This Summer



Has you ever googled how to look athletic? Or how to look fit? Like, how to do it… for the summer? Just in time for swimsuit season? Well, guess what, friends. EVERY season is swimsuit season, and yes, I’ll be right there saying that every body is a swimsuit body (including bikini). Join me on today’s episode as I outline what exactly it takes to look athletic aesthetically. This episode goes out to all my friends who think they, again, simply need to eat less in order to be their best selves. Let’s learn from the athletes… how to REALLY look like them. And, spoiler: YOU ARE AN ATHLETE. Already! Yeah, you! You’re alive? Perfect. You’re included. Good job. No, really. You did it! Shownotes: Leave us a review on iTunes and help the Essential Omnivore Podcast grow!