Cutter's Rockcast

Rockcast 300 - Taint and Butter



Wow, it's the 300th full episode of Cutter's Rockacst. Six years, many rockstars, stories, and even a couple of different co-hosts. Kaytie became my radio partner right around the time this podcast was launched so it was only a matter of time before she became my co-host. To this day two of the most listened to or downloaded episodes of this podcast, it was her hosting. I miss doing interviews and having some of the most open conversations of my life with her. Life has taken both of us in different directions since the pandemic, but I cornered her and got her in a room with me for a special episode of Cutter's Rockcast. Oh and don't think we've lightened up, we dig deep on a couple of subjects that are always hard to talk about, depression and sobriety.