Nerd Noise Radio Network - All Channels (hi-fi)

Channel 1: ”Noise from the Hearts of Nerds” - “C1E68: They’re Coming to Get You, Barbara”



Today's Broadcast is C1E68 for Theme Thursday, October 27th, 2022. Today's theme is a collection of spooky, dissonant, jarring music for the occasion of Halloween, on a program we're calling "They're Coming to Get You, Barbara" - a "Lost Level", originally intended for C1E37: Halloween 2018, then bumped to C1E48: Halloween 2019, before being bumped indefinitely, and lost to the sands of time....UNTIL NOW! Featuring a music block produced all the way back in July of 2018, making today's broadcast "THE KING OF LOST LEVELS"! And even though the "production quality" of a music block this old is far inferior to our current fresh productions, the "design philosophy" behind this block remains to this day the most sophisticated thing I've ever done. I'll let the intro tell the story!    Track# - Track - Game - System - Composer - Timestamp    01) Intro - 00:00:00  02) Freak you Out - Vay - Sega CD - Shigeki Sako - 00:04:59  03) Kadaver's Base - Skeleton Krew - Genesis - Nathan McCree - 00:06:56  04) Title - Mystix: W