Note Camp

Raising Private Capital Using the Money Multiplier Method with Chris Naugle



Scott has Chris Naugle from The Money Store to share about infinite banking and using insurance policies to invest via the Money Multiplier.You can also watch the original video at on the WeCloseNotes YouTube Channel. You can also register for the next Note Camp at pro-snowboarder to money mogul, Chris Naugle has dedicated his life to being America’s #1 Money Mentor. With a core belief that success is built not by the resources you have, but by how resourceful you can be.His success and national acclaim have come in large part to what he’s learned first-hand from seeking a better way to wealth creation and preservation than he learned growing up.Chris has built and owned 19 companies, with his businesses being featured in Forbes, ABC, House Hunters, and his very own HGTV pilot in 2018. He is currently the founder of The Money School™ and Money Mentor for The Money Multiplier.His success also includes managing tens of millions of dollars in assets in the