Studio Sherpas Podcast

306. 5 Things That Have Made Our Business Achieve Massively More Than Without ‘Em



This week on the show we give you a peek behind the curtain into something that has made our business what it is today. We look at the 5 things that we use to structure our quarterly rhythm meetings and determine the direction of the business. These things help you understand the state of your business, define a clear vision for where you want it to go, and discover what to do daily to actually see the results you want. Take advantage of these 5 things to grow your business into the business of your dreams.  Key Takeaways  It takes intentionality to control your business instead of being controlled by your business. Start with the end in mind to set long-term goals and then break them down into achievable steps. Marketing without a clear strategy is a waste of time. Implement these 5 things to see massive growth and clarity in your business. in This Episode  [00:00] Welcome to the show! [11:43] Breaking down long-term goals into achievable steps [15:40] Step #1 - review the previous 90 days [20:14] Step #2