Lex Levinrad Real Estate Investor, Speaker, Author & Mentor

Purchasing Motivated Seller Lists



On this podcast episode I talk about purchasing motivated seller lists and where and how to purchase these lists or get access to them. The smartest real estate investors know that if you are marketing to motivated sellers then knowing how to get the best lists is extremely important. Motivated seller lists are broken down into many different categories. You can purchase many different types of lists including foreclosure lists, absentee owner lists, probate lists, inheritance lists etc. Some of these lists can be located for free on the county or city website. Some cities and counties make locating this information more difficult than others. List brokers are able to provide some of these lists for a fee. Some of the hardest to obtain lists require you to physically go down to the court house. Those are the best lists since the least amount of investors actually bother to do that. The worst lists are the ones that are the easiest to purchase. The best lists are the ones that your competitors don't know about