Lex Levinrad Real Estate Investor, Speaker, Author & Mentor

How To Get Started Wholesaling Houses



On this podcast episode, I walk you through a 90 day plan on how to get started wholesaling houses. STEP ONE - CASH BUYERS The first thing that you want to do is start out by building your cash buyer's list and talking to cash buyers. the best way to do this is by posting properties for sale on your website. If you don't have properties to post, then network with other wholesalers that do have properties and get permission from them to market their deals to your cash buyers. For the website I recommend that you use Investor Carrot (www.lexlevinrad.com/carrot) because it and is already set up with lead capture forms that capture buyers information when they visit your website. Carrot websites are also great for SEO and will integrate very easily with mail chimp for email broadcasts. This will come in handy when you want to start marketing wholesale deals to cash buyers via email. I highly recommend that you consider getting your real estate license before you start marketing properties since you are required t