Lex Levinrad Real Estate Investor, Speaker, Author & Mentor

Why Debt Will Make You Wealthy



On this podcast episode I talk about why borrowing money to buy real estate will make you wealthy, and why you should not be afraid of borrowing money and debt (for real estate). The most common thing that I hear from new and beginning real estate investors is that they don't have any money to get started. Remember that the benefit of investing in real estate is compounded by the more you are able to borrow to buy that real estate. You are not supposed to buy real estate with your money. You are supposed to use borrowed money from investors and private lenders to buy real estate. If you buy your real estate right (at a discount) then you should be able to cash out refinance more money than was put into the property. And if you want to get the maximum tax benefits, leverage and returns on your investment then you have to use as much borrowed money as possible. In an ideal scenario you should try and find private lender's that will fund your purchase AND your repairs so that your cash out of pocket is as little