Lex Levinrad Real Estate Investor, Speaker, Author & Mentor

Getting Started As A Wholesaler



On this podcast episode I talk about the systems that you need to set up to get started as a wholesaler. I talk about the benefits of having your real estate license and why this is important for marketing properties, getting lock box codes and having access to properties. Then I cover buyer and seller web sites, and why it is so important to have a motivated seller site for motivated seller leads and a cash buyer site for cash buyers. Your cash buyer site also doubles as a site where you can post your wholesale deals. If you don't have any deals then post another wholesalers deals (with their permission). Or even better - hire a virtual assistant to do it for you! I speak about call tracking and why you need to use a call tracking system so you can track your buyer and seller leads. You need to know where your leads are coming from. I also speak about phone systems and why you shouldn't use your cell phone or Google Voice for your phone number for your websites and bandit signs and direct mail. Then I talk a