Lex Levinrad Real Estate Investor, Speaker, Author & Mentor

Learning How To Wholesale



On this podcast episode I talk about learning how to wholesale real estate, and why wholesaling attracts the largest amount of new real estate investors. I share with you the importance of having a goal and a vision of thinking about, understanding, and knowing what you want to achieve from wholesaling. I also explain to you why one person's goal and how much they are looking to make from wholesaling may be very different to someone else's. It does not matter whether you have a full time job with no spare time, or you have lots of time but no money. What does matter is knowing how to employ your circumstances into trading either your time or your money (or both) into learning how to wholesale. The key thing to understand is that it will help you if you have a vision of what it is you are trying to accomplish BEFORE you get started learning how to wholesale. Ask yourself what it is that you want to achieve. Listening to this podcast episode should help you with that. If you are brand new to real estate and wan