Lex Levinrad Real Estate Investor, Speaker, Author & Mentor

Investing in Section 8 Rental Properties



On this podcast episode, I talk about investing in section 8 rental properties. Section 8 is a government backed housing program which offers rental assistance for low income families. There are a lot of myths and stigmas associated with investing in section 8 rental properties. A question I am often asked by investors is which properties are eligible for section 8? The answer is that almost ANY property can be a section 8 rental since section 8 is determined by the tenant NOT by the property. As long as the tenant qualifies for housing assistance and they can find a landlord willing to rent to a section 8 tenant then that property can be a section 8 rental. In order to qualify for section 8, tenants have to apply with their local Housing Authority. In most cities there is a backlog of tenants looking for housing and only a limited number of vouchers are released each year (based on need). Tenants have to show that their annual income is below a certain level and this amount is adjusted depending on many fact